Oct 21, 2018

Nature vs Nurture

by Lisa A. Romano

childhood trauma emotions nature vs nurture

The older I get the more humble I become, and the more I appreciate the saying, "Youth is wasted on the young."

The decades I spent chasing, begging, reacting, and pleading to be heard, understood, respected, held, nurtured, and loved are all gone.

The only thing ANY of us have that is worth worrying about is our TIME.

Time is the ONLY thing you can NEVER get back.

It is not our fault we are born asleep.

It is not our fault our mind is dualistic and both conscious and unconscious at the same time.

It is not our fault that NURTURE is primarily responsible for what beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors drive our lives.

It is not our fault our brain is designed to RECALL and REMEMBER pain.

It is not our fault we have been raised by people who are under the organic and natural spell of the wounded ego.

BUT--if we are to PUSH humanity forward, it is our responsibility to AWAKEN to the truth and then do all we can to LIVE that truth--in spite of those who still believe in the lie.

WE ARE ONE!!!!!!!!

All my love,
